
Showing posts with label tab. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tab. Show all posts


Tab: Still loving you - Scorpions

Wind of Changes (Scorpions)
Acoustic intro

Just heard it on the radio, and i wanna write it down before i forget this nice tune from memory

By E.F.

e ---8----------8------8-------11-10-8-----
b -----10---------10-----10-------10---10----
g --------9---------9-------9-----------------
d -------------------------------------------
a -0----------8--------9--------------------
E -----------------------------------------

e ---8---------8----7-----10----------
b -----10-------------9---9------------
g --------9-10----------9---------------
d ---------------------------------
a -8--------------7------------------
E ---------------------------------
Anyway it sounds like a good doodle.


Tab: Carpe Diem - Metallica

Metallica: CARPE DIEM BABY off reLOAD Partially & bits & pieces tabbed by: Eivind eivind256 at hotmail dot com 20/11/1997. Not finished, obviously.
Notation legend: 
\12   = slide from nowhere to here 
12\   = slide from here to nowhere 
14~   = vibrato 
14b16 = bend at 14th fret till you reach the pitch of the 16th fret 
16b14 = prebend (if your'e not already there) to 16th pitch, release to 14th fret 
\\    = pick slide / 'move-left-hand-noise' (gotta play it *LOUD* to get the effect!!)) 
P.M.  = palm mute P.S. = pick slide WHILE playing notes 
N.H.  = natural harmonics 
A.H.  = artificial harmonics SOLO: (starts at ~03:20 ) 

   P.M. (here you gotta *gradually* palm mute it!


fast bit

Indian bit: Very delicate scale!!

                          __there is something wrong here..

               P.M. this note!

this bit is very fucked by effects...(muted strings,harmonics,palm muting... very possible that i made some mistakes here...

   N.H.    N.H.        N.H.   N.H.  N.H.  
   |  P.S. |                             
   (move pick attacks towards brigde)

(the muted strings almost sounds harmonics!)   
      P.M. this note!      




Tab: The Hunt - Sepultura

The Hunt as performed by Sepultura on Chaos AD Original by New Model Army on Ghost of Caine Tab by me (kind of based on Pronks tab, which was basically crap (sorry) I really like this tune; it easy to play, it rocks and its nice!! I learnt it in 5 minutes (or rather 10, since i had to figure out most of the song,the fillins and solo as well) You can also hear a faint accoustic guitar here and there, im not quite sure what it plays, but probably much the same as the el guitars. Standard drop-d tuning (Dadgbe) (wow..a sepultura song with just one downtuned string!!)
Riff A - Intro
a -------1-------1-----
D -0-2-3---0-2-3---2-3-

Riff B
a -------1-------0-----1-
D -0-2-3---2-3-0---2-3---

Riff C
                            (with palm muted D's as backing)

Riff D
These three chords for the verses,figure the strumming your self
g -10-9---------------
d -8--8-12------------
a -8--8--8-------------
D -8--8--8-------------

The fill ins: (with flange and delay)
Fill 1       Fill 2
e ----------|--------------------
b -11-11-11-|-------------11-----
g -14-12-10-|----12----12----12--
d ----------|-10---10------------

The "solo":
g ---------------------------------
d ----9-7----5-4----4-2------------
a -/7-----/5-----/2-----4-5-4------
D --------------------------------- (twice)

Solo Backing
d --9------4------4-----2----------
a --7------5------2-----0----------
D ---------------------------------

Riff E:
b -----------------------------|------------------------
g -3/5-5-8/5-8/5-5-5/8-8-8-8/3-|10-(of 331 at the end)--
d -3/5-5-8/5-8/5-5-5/8-8-8-8/3-|10----------------------
a -1/3-3-6/3-6/3-3-3/6-6-6-6/1-|8-----------------------
D -----------------------------|------------------------

Riff F
e ----------------------------------
b ----------5-----5-----8-----8-----
g ----------5-----5-----8-----8-----
d -5----5-5-5-5-5-5-8-8-8-8-8-8-----
a -5----3-3-3-3-3-3-6-6-6-6-6-6-----
D -5--------------------------------
        pm.   pm.   pm.   pm.

Riff G
e ---------------------------------
b ---------------------------------
g ---------------------------------
d -6-8-5-6-------1/5-------------
a -6-8-5-6-------1/5-------------
D -6-8-5-6-twice-1/5-------------

Riff H
d -----5-6------6-5------5-6---------------
a -5-5-5-6--6-6-6-5--5-5-5-6---------------
D -5-5-5-6--6-6-6-5--5-5-5-6---------------
   p.m      p.m      p.m

Riff I
The End:
a -----1-----0-----3---
D -5-5---5-5---5-5-5---
   p.m   p.m   p.m

I am not gonna do you folks a favour and type up
the lyrics as well, since they are not in the album. >:)
I have them rigth here in front of me, but its too much!

Tab: Someone - Hooverphonic

Hooverphonic / Someone Tabbed by me eivind256 at. hotmail .dott com Standard tuning.
Main lick:

E -------------------------
b -------0-----------------
g -----0------------0------
d ---2------------0--------
a -3------------3----------
e ------------4------------ (repeat lots)

Then comes some kind of interlude

E -----------------------------------
b -----------------------------------
g -----------------------------------
d --5b6---5b6--5b6---5b6---5b6--5b6--
a -3-----3----3----------------------
e ------------------4-----4----4-----
(the bends are not always complete, just wing it.)

And there is a solo too:
(played only on the a string, play with lots of tremolo)
a -3-s--5-6-s1---
E --------------- x2

a -3----5-6-s8---s10-11-10-13-s15-15b16-
E --------------------------------------
(continue bending and messing with 15b16 for a while)

a -s3--3-3-3-3-3-3-
E ----------------- x3

a -1b2-------------
E -----3-----------

a -----------------
E -3-3-3-3-3-3----- x3


Tab: Manic Depression

I could spend a whole day tabbing all the small details here. There are palm mutes,slides and sublte hammer/pulls.... go figure..this is the main melody anyway. By me.

e ------------|----------|-----------
b ------------|----------|-----------
g ------------|----------|-----------
d -------5-6-7|---7p5-7p5|-(4x)---
a -5-6-7------|-0-0---0--|------------
E ------------|----------|-----------

e ---------------------------------
b ---------------------------------
g ---------------------------------
d -------------------------------
a -0-4-7---2-5-5-6-7-(4x part again)----
E -------3--------------------------
e ---------------------------------
b ---------------------------------
g ---------------------------------
d -----0----------------------------
a ---2-----2-5--5--4-5--4-5--2-3--2-3--2-3-2-------------0--
E -0-----3-----------------------------------3-2-3-2-3-2-----

e ---------------------------------
b --5---5----5---5--------------
g --7b9-7b9--7b9-7b9-------------------
d ---------------------------------
a -0--------0------------------------
E ---------------------------------

Tab: Golden Origo

Ok, this little classical piece is used alot by Metallica on tour before entering the stage. Its a real gem, only 1:48 long. By me . Here follows the melody line, but it could really do with some flavouring chords here and there.
e --------
b --------
g --------
d -9-10---
a ------7-
E -------- x8

e ------------------------------------------
b -------8----------------------------------
g ---9~~---9~~--7-9-7---9-7---9-7-----------
d -7------------------7-----7-----7-7-9-7~~-
a ------------------------------------------
E ------------------------------------------

e -------7-----------------------------
b ---------8~~---8------------8--------
g ---9~~-------9---9-7----7-9------7-9-
d -7-------------------10-------10-----
a -------------------------------------
E -------------------------------------
(ok... last 2 lines again)

e ------------------------------------------7-10-8-10-
b -------8-----------------------10-8~~---9-----------
g ---9~~---9~~--7-9-7---9-7---10--------9-------------
d -7------------------7-----7-------------------------
a ----------------------------------------------------
E ----------------------------------------------------

Tab: Anitra's Dance

Anitra's Dance

e -------------------------------------------
b -15-12----------12-15-12----------12----12-
g -------14-12-14----------14-12-14----14----
d -------------------------------------------
a -------------------------------------------
E -------------------------------------------

e ----------12----12---------------
b -15-12-15----12----15-12---------
g -------------------------14-12---
d ---------------------------------
a ---------------------------------
E ---------------------------------

e ----------12----12-14------------
b -15-12-15----12-------16-14------
g ----------------------------16---
d ---------------------------------
a ---------------------------------
E ---------------------------------

Tab: Brothers in Arms

Please, note, this is not complete, but has most parts covered. This represents my personal interpretation of the song, and may only be used non-commercially. Not that difficult to play, but you‘ll need to put some feeling into it. Timing not represented, and you’ll have to add vibrato at proper places. Everything should be here (it’s a lot to learn!), including the fade-outro as far as I could hear it. This song is a real beauty, and it’s awsome to play when you get it right! Offcourse, there are mistakes here, and I know about some of them too, especially the two-string chords(the distortion distorted me too). Feel free to correct them. (But let me know about it!) Some parts may be more or less correct to play at other frets, with respect to the sound, but I usually stay around fret 12. Tune down to Db. (half step) Synth intro (F and Em) Notation: 7s9 slide 7h9 hammer 9p7 pull 7b9 bend 9b7 prebend (or release) x mute xs pick slide | these bars separate the parts/riffs pm palm mute

Intro (Synth part goes in Em and F.)



Verse 1







1st. solo (well, it’s all a kind of solo)





2nd. solo



Last solo

Outro ( ?????????

??? ????????????




bend delay
1/4 ----------

almost mute these notes
here too

Tab: Hall of the Mountain King

Two famous songs composed by the Norwegian composer Edvard Grieg. This is loosely how I would play it on guitar.
The original name of the first songs is "Dovregubbens Hall".

by the most exellent norwegian composer: Edvard Grieg!
(Tabbed this from a classic record. Make the best of this!)
By me.

e -----------------|--------------------
b -----------------|--------------------
g -----------------|---------------------
d -----------------|----7----7----7----7-
a ---9---9---9---9-|----------------------
E -7---7---7---7---|-10---10---10---10------

Riff 1
e -----------------------------------------------------------------
b -----------------------------------------------------------------
g -----------------------------------------------------------------
d -------------------------------------------------9-7--------7-----
a -------7--9---9--8---8--7---7-----------7-9----9-----9----9-------
E -7-9-10----10------9------8-------7-9-10----10---------10---------

Riff 2
e -------------------------------------------
b ------------------------------------------
g --------------------------------------------
d ---------9--11--11--12--12--11--11------
a -8-11-13------13------13------13--------
E -------------------------------------------

e -------------------------------------------
b ------------------------------------------
g --------------------------------------------
d ---------9--11--11--13--13--11--11------
a -8-11-13------13------13------13--------
E -------------------------------------------

e -------------------------------------------
b ------------------------------------------
g --------------------------------------------
d ---------9--11--11--12--12--11~~--------
a -8-11-13------13------13--------------
E -------------------------------------------

Ok, these are the main notes.
I found it funny to play solo with a ’india-feel’ to riff 2!

Tab: Intro to Damage Inc.

These are the guitar chords that go with the Cliff's bass intro. I really like this progression!

D Bm C G A G Bm A


Tab: Turn the Page - Metallica

Guitar solo w/slide by Kirk Hammett (Metallica) (Prelude to Turn the Page, live from the Garage tour, N.Y. 1999) If you havent heard it, its a spooky,far-out cowboy-doodle. (imagine the two duelists just about to draw the guns in a wild-west town, blood red sky as the sun sets, the ravens circles high above and..yada yada.yada...you get the picture) Tabbed in an hour by Eivind F., eivind256 at hotmail dot com (may not be perfect, but i wanna save my vid-tape so i can watch it later too! maybe i'll update it.) Not extremely well performed, but has many moody licks (Kirk also fucks badly up at one point.then again, i've never before seen Kirk play live with a slide) I'm definitively stealing this piece of snack, it just needs a minor face-lift! Legend: ~ means hold note and vibrate it s means slide from note JUST prior to the s or from anywhere (you must really judge that on the spot) offcourse theres alot of 'ghost notes', but they'll come naturally and one more thing, at the double string slides, you must usually accuentate(?) one of the notes, usually the highest one. Play with delay, medium distortion and the tone switch upwards.(The soft,filtered tone) I use effect no. F1 with delay on the Zoom 505 effect box for this one.
                          ? goes fast, maybe just one 12s10  
e ---------------------12-12s10 12s10----12~~-----
b -----------------s12-12-------------10s12~~-----
g -4s9~~-9s7-7s9~~--------------------------------
d -----------7s9~~--------------------------------
a ------------------------------------------------
E ------------------------------------------------
   (vol swell on 4s9)

e -s15-s15~~-s17-s17~~-19~~-s12s10----12~~--------
b ---------------------------------10s12~~--------
g ------------------------------------------------
d ------------------------------------------------
a ------------------------------------------------
E ------------------------------------------------

e -12---------------------------------------------
b ---12-------------------------------------------
g -----12s7--9~~-7s9-7s9-7s9~~-9s7---7s9~~--------
d ---------7s9~~---------7s9~~-----9-7s9~~--------
a ------------------------------------------------
E ------------------------------------------------

ah! really a nice measure!
e -----------------------------------------
b -8s5-5s3---------------------------------
g ---------4s7-7s5-------------------------
d -----------------7-----------------------
a -------------------5s7~~-7s5------s7~~---
E ----------------------------5s7-0--------

oops, Kirk *very rarely* fucks up like this! (the stupid MTV camera man just did'nt catch what happened, ofcourse)
e ------12~~~---???---------------------------------------------
b -s12-(12)~~--?---?--------------------------------------------
g ----------------?--(lots of noise)----------------------------
d ---------------?--drop guitar in floor to achieve the sound!--
a --------------------------------------------------------------
E ---------------?----------------------------------------------
(Kirk blinked, grinned a "oh no!!, why now while i was really in it?!" type of grin,but continued!)
e ------------------------------------------------
b ------------------------------------------------
g -----9s12~~-s12-s12-s12-12s9--------------------
d -7s9-------------------------7s9~~--------------
a ------------------------------------------------
E ------------------------------------------------

e ------------------------------------------------
b -------8s7-----7--------------------------------
g -----9-----7s9--7s9s7---s9-s9~~-----------------
d -7s9------------------9-------------------------
a ------------------------------------------------
E ------------------------------------------------

e ------------------------------------------------
b -------8~~-s10-s10-s10--------------------------
g -----9-----------------9s7-7s9~-----------------
d -7s9-----------------------7s9~-----------------
a ------------------------------------------------
E ------------------------------------------------

e ------------------------------------------------
b -------8s7-----7--------------------------------
g -----9-----7s9--7s9s7---s9-s9~~-----------------
d -7s9------------------9-------------------------
a ------------------------------------------------
E ------------------------------------------------

e ------------------------------------------------
b ------------------------------------------------
g -s9~~-7-----------------------------------------
d -------s6s4-------------------------------------
a ------------s7s5s7------------------------------
E -------------------5s7-0------------------------

e ----12----12---12~~-12--------------------------
b -s12---s12---s12~~----12------------------------
g ------------------------12s7-7s9~~--------------
d -----------------------------7s9~~--------------
a ------------------------------------------------
E ------------------------------------------------

Tab: People are strange - Doors

People are Strange - The Doors Not complete! Tabbed: Eivind F 1999
e -------------------------------------------------------------
b -------------------------------------------------------------
g ----------------0-0---------2-0---------2-----0--------------
d --------------2-----------2-----------2---0h2----------------
a 2-0---------2-------2-1-0-------2-1-0-----0-----0-1-2---0-2--
E ----3b1/4-0-------------------------------------------2-----0

e -------------------------------------
b -------------------------------------
g -------------0---------2-0---------2-
d -----------2---------2-----------2---
a -2-0-----2-----2-1-0-------2-1-0-----
E -----3-0-----------------------------